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Conditions: Sexual Difficulties

What is meant by sexual dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction is a problem that can occur at any point during the sexual response cycle which, in a traditional sense, includes excitement/desire, plateau, orgasm and resolution. It is important to note that women do not always experience these phases in such order.

Sexual dysfunction is a problem that prevents you from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity.

Sexual dysfunctions are common and there are available treatments, but it is often difficult for people to talk about it.

There are both physical and psychological causes of sexual dysfunction. Many physical and medical conditions such as diabetes, heart and vascular (blood vessel) disease, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure, and alcoholism and drug abuse can cause sexual dysfunction. It is also important to note that side effects of certain medications, including antidepressants, can impede and undermine sexual functions. Psychological causes are very common, and they include stress and anxiety, worries about sexual performance, marital or relationship problems, depression, feelings of guilt and shame, concerns about body image and the effects of a past sexual trauma.

#sexual #dysfunction #intimacy #performance #desire #arousal

Is your difficulty linked to anything specific?

  • Desire disorders: characterised by lack of sexual desire or interest in sex

  • Arousal disorders: refers to an inability to become physically aroused or excited during sexual activity

  • Orgasm disorders: manifesting in delay or absence of orgasm (climax)

  • Pain disorders: characterised by pain during intercourse

When to seek help?

In men:

  • When you experience an inability to achieve or maintain an erection (hard penis) suitable for intercourse (erectile dysfunction)

  • When you experience absent or delayed ejaculation despite enough sexual stimulation (retarded ejaculation)

  • When you experience inability to control the timing of ejaculation (early or premature ejaculation)

  • When the difficulties cause you distress and negatively impact on your life and your relationships


In women:

  • When you experience inability to achieve orgasm

  • When you experience inadequate vaginal lubrication before and during intercourse

  • When you experience an inability to relax the vaginal muscles enough to allow intercourse


In men and women:

  • When you experience lack of interest in or desire for sex

  • When you experience an inability to become aroused

  • When you experience pain with intercourse

Treatment recommendations

Psychological therapy (sex therapy, behavioural treatments, and psychotherapy) can help you identify the underlying cause and address relational problems, sexual trauma from the past, as well as any feelings of fear and anxiety or guilt and poor body image among others that may be implicated in the problem. Behavioural interventions and various techniques can help with issues around self-stimulation, arousal, and orgasm. The selected treatment, however, would be individually tailored to your needs following a comprehensive assessment process in our service, depending on the nature of your difficulty.

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